Portfolio and Demos
Great White Sites (GWS) is a custom website design and hosting company. We produce functional and beautiful websites that draw browsers in, educate or entertain with content or favorably display products and enable streamlined and secure sales.
For a website to be useful, it must be found, it must be visible and available. GWS is expert at telling search crawlers and listings what they want for a website to be listed by search pages, and making that search listing information useful for what the browser is searching.
This site contains GWS portfolio of website implementations, as well as demonstrations of different code functions such as an inline editor or autofill input fields. It's style is purposely very basic, to better show these demos.
The reality is I, Matt White, do the coding and rely on artists, and nature photographs as nature is the true artist, to do pretty things for websites. I started with a soldering iron and a Heathkit radio, graduated from Cal Poly SLO as a Analog Hardware Engineer, progressed through the programming languages and development platforms to end up here on the Web. I sure like the Internet, life is so much easier, more fun, more informative, rich and enlightened because of the web.
In total, Great White Sites adds up to increased viewers and sales.